15% Commission - Collaborate with Austrige

Unlock the Power of Collaboration: Where Ideas Meet Possibilities.


Why Collaborate with Austrige?

Diverse Opportunities: Explore a myriad of collaboration opportunities, from content creation and partnerships to co-branded initiatives. We welcome collaborations across various industries and backgrounds.

Creative Freedom: Austrige values creativity and individuality. Collaborators have the freedom to express their unique style and contribute to projects that resonate with our global audience.

Global Reach: Join forces with a platform that reaches audiences around the world. Your collaboration with Austrige opens doors to new markets, connecting you with a diverse and engaged community.

Innovative Projects: Be part of exciting and innovative projects that push boundaries and challenge norms. Austrige is a hub for forward-thinkers, and your collaboration could be the next big thing.

Once joined, every Collaborator is Guaranteed to earn 10-15% on Commission through orders they Encouraged.


How to Collaborate:

Read the list below to find out how you can Get Started ASAP

Explore Opportunities: Browse through our collaboration offerings to find the perfect match for your skills and interests.

Connect with Us: Reach out to our collaboration team to discuss your ideas, goals, and how you envision the collaboration. We're here to listen and bring your vision to life.

Collaborate & Create: Once we find the perfect synergy, let the collaboration begin! Work with our team to create content, launch campaigns, and make an impact.

Join the Austrige Collaborative Community Now

Ready to embark on a journey of creativity, innovation, and meaningful connections? Explore our collaboration opportunities and become part of the Austrige collaborative community.

Let's create something extraordinary together. 👇



Community of the Most Famous People on Social Media!

Total number of Collaborators: 34 Collabs


Top Collaborators:

*Image from Instagram profile: mariahgrows

  1. Mariah Harman

Plants and Garden products



      Switch from customer to contributor now and start earning!

      See below for BENEFITS form and JOIN!

      Join the Austrige community

      The new way to accumulate some extra $ on the side has been well known and affective for everyone. 💰 It's a win-win situation as you can continue to do whatever you want while getting commissions and the company gets their advertisement and marketing. 🏆 At Austrige, we will provide you discounts on our whole store, usage rights (That don't give away private information) to all content being used to advertise, and everything else you need to collaborate with us. 🔧 If you need access to more assets just reach out to us and well discuss further! 🤝

      Apply now

      Partnership opportunities

      • Affiliate marketing
      • Gifting
      • Discount codes
      • Content creation
      • Usage rights
      • Campaigns
      • Additional opportunities